5 Big Lessons I Learned As a Coach in 2023
This was a big year for me and Awarify Coaching. 2023 was the first year where I was able to focus a good portion of my day on coaching and growing my business. 2023 was the year I decided to take on both one-on-one clients AND corporate clients. 2023 was the year I said yes more.
So many coachees and so many lessons along the way.
Here are 5 lessons I plan to take with me into 2024.
1. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate. When we don’t open up and share what’s happening for us, relationships can’t thrive and grow. It’s akin to not watering your plants. For healthier, longer-lasting relationships...communicate in a kind and respectful way.
2. Being your own greatest friend is the answer to a lot of life’s mysteries and challenges. Get to know yourself better. Be kinder to yourself. Ask yourself big questions and wait for the answer. Love yourself more every day. Talk to yourself as if you are the most important person in your life...because you are!
3. You can have the best ideas in the world, but they don’t really mean anything until you act on them. Taking action on the things you want to do, the person you want to be, etc. is the quickest way to learn, grow, and improve. Some would argue the only way.
4. Emotions are energy in motion, and they really just want to come and then go. But what we do instead is hold on to them, bottle them up, create a story about them, and file that story away to be used at a different time to validate whatever emotions we’re feeling then. Emotions need 90 seconds to do their job, but we hold on for much longer. Learning how to feel your feelings without attaching your personhood to them is something we could all benefit.
5. Creating and maintaining firm boundaries is the best way to take care of yourself. Boundaries tell others how to respect you. Boundaries protect your energy. Boundaries ensure that you stay true to who you are.
None of these lessons can be mastered overnight. Nonetheless, it’s important we keep trying and tweaking and trying again.
Here’s to an amazing 2023 for Awarify Coaching and an even better 2024 for all of us!