The Secret To Success Is...
After 38 years of searching, I put two and two together and found the secret to success.
Are you ready? Hang on tight!
The secret to success is...
I know what you’re thinking. Come on, Parita. Consistency? That’s the least sexy word there ever was.
But hear me out. When you really think about it, luck and the notion that anyone is an overnight success is a big fat myth. Success and/or forward motion takes showing up consistently, trying consistently, and yes, even failing consistently.
I’m sharing this today because I feel stuck in my business quite often. I feel like my actions aren’t necessarily getting me the results I want. This then leads to very unhelpful thoughts that keep me stuck.
But when I dig deeper, the thing that’s always missing is consistency. I try something once or twice. It doesn’t yield the results I want, so I stop. I now realize I need to be more consistent with my actions over a longer period of time. This is what’s going to help me build a sustainable coaching practice.
When you really think about it, consistency is a lesson we’ve been learning since we were tiny toddlers. Learning how to walk, how to eat, how to talk. It all took consistency. Then when we got older – riding a bike, driving a car, etc. Again, consistency. And even now, at the age of 38, I’m learning that anything and everything takes consistency – parenting, relationships, work, exercise, healthy eating, skincare.
Success and good things happen when we show up and put in consistent effort, y’all!
I want to end with two very relatable quotes I found on this topic. Because who doesn’t love a good quote or two!?
“Getting an audience is hard. Sustaining an audience is hard. It demands a consistency of thought, of purpose, and of action over a long period of time.” -Bruce Springsteen
“Part of courage is simple consistency.” -Peggy Noonan