Two Questions to Build Confidence and Change the Story You Tell Yourself
If asked to identify the one thread that ties all of my coachees together, I’d say it’s the desire for more confidence. Confidence to take up space. Confidence to own decisions. Confidence to ask for what they want. Confidence to take a leap. Confidence to live the life they desire.
If that sounds like you, keep reading...
Firstly, always remember that confidence is not a prerequisite or requirement to doing or wanting anything in life. It doesn’t appear out of thin air, and you certainly aren’t doing anything wrong if you don’t feel 100% confident all the time. It’s my belief that most people actually don’t.
Confidence is actually the result or output of putting yourself out there. It’s what you get after trying and failing and trying again. It’s a culmination of the lessons, learnings, and new narratives you carry with you after that repeated cycle of trying and failing.
Confidence is built brick by brick.
Now, the next time you feel a lack of confidence when attempting something, ask yourself this, “What do I need to believe about this situation in order to take the next step? What do I need to believe about myself in order to take the next step?”
It’s one of my core beliefs that our thoughts create our world. When you change the story you tell yourself, you can change your life. This sounds a little woo woo, I know. But trust me! I have literally reprogrammed my brain so that I can go from a stressed state to my baseline in a matter of minutes (versus hours or even days) when I focus on changing my internal narrative and beliefs.
And with (lots of!) practice, I know you can too. Tune into your thoughts, ask yourself the questions I outlined above, and be an active participant when your mind starts to wander down deep dark rabbit holes where your confidence can’t grow and breathe.
If you want to learn more about how you can build confidence, bounce back from stress quicker, and change the narrative running through your head, contact me. I’m always more than happy to connect.