3 Things You Can Do When Life Feels Overwhelming
Does life feel a little overwhelming right now? Does it feel like you have a lot going on personally? Does it also feel like there’s a lot going on in the world right now? Things you may or may not agree with? Hurt, pain, fear?
If this resonates, please know you are not alone! I am right there with you.
Sometimes, this feeling of “there’s nothing I can do” is paralyzing. It feels like it’s all out of our control, at least from a day-to-day perspective.
But remember, you have choices. You always have choices. Even if something is not in our direct control, we are responsible for the energy we bring to the table and the actions we take.
That said, everyone handles stress and overwhelm differently, but I want to share a few things I do to recalibrate and get me head straight.
I get off of social media. If there’s anything that’s going to keep you in a dizzying downward spiral, it’s things like Facebook and Instagram. I can literally feel the hot rage coming off of my body after scrolling through the comments section of a random post on a sensitive topic. It’s not healthy, not is it helpful. Anger is ok, but it needs to be repurposed and used for good. Social media anger hardly ever does that.
I talk to someone I trust about what I’m thinking and feeling. One note - be sure to specify what you’re looking for out of the conversation (venting, advice, questioning, etc.).
I move into action mode. Like I said before, we always have a choice. Even when I feel like there’s nothing I can do to directly help, I try and donate money. I’m 100% privileged to be able to do this, and I wish more people like me would too. So find organizations that align with your moral compass and donate whatever you can whenever you can. Every little bit counts!
The most important point here is to not shame yourself for whatever it is you’re feeling. Know that you’re not alone, and that these are truly overwhelming times. The future feels very uncertain, so please take care of yourself. For every ounce of energy that’s drained out by the end of the day, be sure to inject at least that much back as soon as possible.